Any further technical information about Timeless?

Some basic specifications about Wenzhou Timeless Glasses can be found on the "Product Page" of our official website. In terms of the product information including sizes, colors, shapes, and the introduction of basic raw materials, all these information are clearly listed on the website. We also keep the technical information recorded in the PDF, which is safer to store. If you are looking into more detailed technical information, such as the process craftsmanship and technologies, we warmly welcome you to come over to us, which is a more intuitive way.
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Timeless has specialized in the production of high quality for many years. Timeless's quality sunglasses series include multiple types. Timeless metal sunglasses has passed various quality tests which include the test on the effect of compressed air. The whole test process is strictly conducted by our QC team. The product features all the branding elements such as logo, brand name, color scheme, etc, which helps customers to instantly recognize and pick up the items.
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we believes that by the aspiration of quality sunglasses, we can maintain effective growth in the long term. Please contact.

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