Detection index of sunglasses: UV average transmittance and traffic signal transmittance

u003cbru003eThe main indicators tested are: the optical performance of the lens, the performance of the frame, the assembly and shaping requirements, the transmission characteristics (including the light transmittance, the average transmittance in the ultraviolet spectral region, and the projection ratio characteristics related to the identification of the traffic signal such as color limit. ), resistance to mechanical impact, etc. The key indicators are vertex power deviation, prism power, light transmittance, ultraviolet average transmittance (ultraviolet spectral region) and traffic signal transmittance. This article mainly introduces the average transmittance of ultraviolet (UV spectrum) and traffic signal transmittance. 1. Ultraviolet average transmittance (ultraviolet spectral region) The ultraviolet average transmittance reflects the ultraviolet transmission of sunglasses. The smaller the transmittance, the stronger the UV resistance. In the UVA band from 315 nm to 380 nm, its average transmittance rSUVA≤rv; in the UVB band from 290 nm to 315 nm, its average transmittance rSUVB≤0.5 rV. When the sunglasses meet this index, they meet the basic requirements of protection, that is, they can block strong light without increasing the acceptance of ultraviolet light. Wearing sunglasses will reduce the luminous flux entering the human eye, causing the wearer’s pupils to enlarge. Therefore, under the same external conditions, if the sunglasses cannot block the corresponding amount of ultraviolet light, the human eye will receive more ultraviolet light than without sunglasses. Light, that is, wearing dark sunglasses that can not protect against ultraviolet rays is more harmful to the eyes than not wearing sunglasses. 2. Traffic signal transmittance The index of traffic signal transmittance is mainly used to control and ensure that objects of different colors can be viewed through different colors of sunglasses, and the original color and chromaticity of the objects can be maintained. This technical requirement is also very important for sunglasses. Imagine that if the traffic signal transmittance of a pair of sunglasses does not meet the standard, it will cause the wearer to reduce the color resolution, produce color vision interference, and cause color vision confusion. For the driver, the consequences It is even more unimaginable. The QB2457-1999 'Sunglasses' standard clearly specifies the standard value required for traffic signal transmittance (rsig). For light-colored sunglasses, red signal: ≥8%; yellow signal: ≥6%; green signal: ≥6%; the traffic signal transmittance requirements of sun-shading sunglasses are the same as above; for special-purpose sunglasses, such as skiing, mountain climbing, beaches, etc., yes There is no requirement for traffic signal transmittance.
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