Young children don’t wear children’s sunglasses


The summer is approaching. In the face of the harsh sunlight, many parents will choose a pair of sunglasses for their children. Even in recent years, children's sunglasses will be popular in the summer. Can children's sunglasses protect children's eyes? Letting children wear low-quality glasses will not block ultraviolet rays, and will harm their eyes, because if they wear low-quality sunglasses for a long time during the growth and development period, the image of the retina will be unclear, which may affect vision development. Wearing time will cause solar keratitis, corneal endothelial damage and other diseases. Experts remind parents, try not to wear sunglasses for young children. If you must buy it for your child, go to a professional testing agency for testing. In addition, children should not wear sunglasses with frames that are too large or heavy, and should not be worn for too long. Buying sunglasses in the market depends on whether the glasses are produced by a formal business, whether there is a specific factory name, factory address and sunglasses model description, whether the sales store has sales qualifications, it is recommended not to go to an informal store to buy, but to choose a formal brand and formal Store.
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